How to arrive at Cabo de la Vela
Book a tour to Cabo de la Vela or get there by public transport?
Book a tour to Cabo de la Vela and Punta Gallinas? If you want to decide freely and create your own itinerary, you can do it by your own. The Tour to Punta Gallinas is bookable also through a local agency in Cabo de la Vela and they bring you back the next day to Uribia.
How to Get to Cabo de la Vela?
by flight
From Bogota or Medellin to Riohacha. Check with Avianca or VivaColombia. From the airport you'll take a taxi to "Donde salen los carros a Uribia". The taxidriver drops you off there. When the car is full - 4 people - it leaves to Uribia. If your are 5 people, we can arrange also a direct car from Riohacha to Cabo de la Vela.
by public transport
The best and cheapest way to get to Cabo de la Vela is buy public transport. You arrive by bus from Santa Marta or Palomino to Riohacha. When arriving at Riohacha, take a taxi to "Donde salen los carros por Uribia". From Riohacha to Uriba you'll take a shared car to Uribia - COP 25'000 (january 2023).
In Uribia there are 3 main companies: Mochilero Tours, Wejena Tours, Juya Tours and some independent cars. Mochileros are at the busy crossroad, Wejena has a office to wait for the next car. The Jeep to Cabo de la Vela takes you about 1 to 2 hours and costs about COP 40'000/person (5 spots).
Arriving at Cabo de la Vela: Just ask the driver to drop you off at Tawi Kite "donde Jorge Luis". Cabo de la Vela is growing but still they know each other.